SMBB technology reduce the distance between busbars and finger grid line which is benefit to power increase.,Minimized micro-cracks with innovative non-destructive cutting technology,Higher string power feature e ectively reduces BOS and LCOE,Lower temperature coe cient (-0.28%)And lower operating temperatures lead to more power generation.
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SMBB technology reduce the distance between busbars and finger grid line which is benefit to power increase.,Minimized micro-cracks with innovative non-destructive cutting technology,Higher string power feature e ectively reduces BOS and LCOE,Lower temperature coe cient (-0.28%)And lower operating temperatures lead to more power generation.
SMBB technology reduce the distance between busbars and finger grid line which is benefit to power increase.,Minimized micro-cracks with innovative non-destructive cutting technology,Higher string power feature e ectively reduces BOS and LCOE,Lower temperature coe cient (-0.28%)And lower operating temperatures lead to more power generation.